Is Bribing Your Child a Bad Idea

Any expert in parenting would advise you against bribing your child. Hence, most of the parents think that bringing the child can do more harm than good. Still, most of the parents bribe their children on a number of occasions. Why the bribing is considered a bad idea when it comes to parenting the small children? Below discussed are some most common opinions by the parents, and also the reasons why giving incentives for good work can actually be helpful. Opinion: Children should not be rewarded for obeying This reason doesn’t make much sense in the practical world. How can anybody expect their children to obey them immediately without expecting even a pat on the back? Children are the naïve ones, and they are naturally bound to refuse to a lot of things which they should do. Even the adults find it difficult doing a lot of things which they should do only because they don’t see any benefit in those tasks. So, the real solution in this regard is to find the win/win ...